The Matrix (1999) - The film's sci-fi action genre revolutionized what was expected of this genre. The concept of a simulated reality horror movie , and the battle against machines are thrilling. Additionally, the stunning special effects. Keanu Reeves delivers a memorable performance as Neo.… Read More

The king-daddy of science fiction media today.. sort of like Fallout 4 is the lord of post-apocalyptic RPGs, Star Wars needs no introduction. Thus, I'll just use this blurb to point out that until the early 80s, the film was just called "Star Wars" as "Episode IV: A New Hope" wasn't tacked onto it just yet. Star Wars Review That was but the first o… Read More

A few weeks back, behind-the-scenes footage from the production of Prey sparked up debate online on CGI vs Practical Effects. Before CGI was a thing, it was all practical all the time due to necessity. However, in the years since Jurassic Park showed us that CGI can be more impressive in many ways, Hollywood has gone CGI for most everything.Many wi… Read More

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere site family of maniacs to make this one feel unnerving.Oh, but it's about a middle… Read More

I saw this on UPN in 2001 and it was scarier than the original. Don't get me wrong, the original wasn't as terrifying as this one; this time, "He's Back!" After his 1000th birthday, Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) wishes to produce more leprechauns. Leprechaun horror movie As in the previous film, he demands his gold after it's been taken or reclaimed b… Read More